A Weston Barn Farm Wedding with Farm Animals // Lauren + Paul
This wedding day can be summed up with one line, one very special line, from one very special — written just for them, song — "Through a million faces on a phone, swipe left swipe right - you saw each other and life changed that night"
Cause that's where it all began, that simple swipe to the right. Lauren and Paul may not have known that fateful swipe would lead them right to where they stood on this day, but one thing is certain — they're glad it did. It was only fitting that their sweet neighbors, Alexs and Jeremy — be their officiants on their wedding day... seeing as how these two have had a front row seat to their relationship since the very beginning of it all. So with them they stood, sharing many stories, memories, and a shared toast on the spot with the guests in attendance. And to top it off, Alexs and Jeremy, so inspired by this love story, commissioned a song to be written in their honor, and played for them on their wedding day — those lyrics above start it off and that three minute song told their story from that night all the way through to the moment we all witnessed on this beautiful June day!