Crossroads KC Engagement Session | Sarah + Jorden

Jorden had asked a friend to set him up on a blind date, someone she worked with maybe, a nice girl. That nice girl ended up being Sarah. From the second they first met, they realized this wouldn't just be some random one time evening out. 

That initial blind date happened at a Mi Ranchito....and that's the exact place they went for date #2. A favorite restaurant of Sarah's (chips + salsa, por favor!) and a place that Jorden maybe didn't love in the beginning, but he kept going back...cause, Sarah. It's safe to say by now he shares the love of Mexican food with her, but not nearly as much as he loves the girl across the table from him.

These two share a love that is equal parts playful and serious. The way they cuddle and giggle together? Playful. The way they look at one another and reach for one another? Serious.

On a windy day these two wandered around Kauffman Performing Arts Center and the Crossroads District of Kansas City.....laughing, playing, cuddling.....and eating some chips + salsa. True story :) These are some of my favorite images from our time together!
