Documentary Style Family Photos on The Family Farm // The B Family
Easily and unequivocally one of the sweetest families in the history of humans! Abby became a dear friend of mine many years ago thanks to this crazy wedding industry. She has been there for me in times where all I could do was sit and cry and I've sat with her in times when the roles were reversed. She has stepped in more than once to be my right-hand and additional camera on wedding days I've photographed. She has supported Brian and I since day one, photographed our story more than once, and was one of the first people Brian told he had a ring,....and had I unsuspectingly planned another set of photos for B and I with her like I was considering...she would have caught our proposal on camera like Brian had tried to plan lol.
Watching Abby become a mama has been one of the best parts of our friendship. When I tell you she's the mom all mom's should strive to be like, I mean that from a very deep place. Brad, is one of the kindest, warmest men I've ever met — and these two together, are truly wonderful parents. They love like no other — to each other, to their babies, to their friends, families and community.
And then there's little This kid makes me giggle every time I'm around him. The way he loves his cats, is so relatable...the way he carries his cats, not so much, but it makes me laugh out loud. I know he's going to be such a loving big brother to his new brother coming soon — and I promise he's really excited, even if one of these photos indicates otherwise lol.
These photos were something Abby really wanted, and they were also something I really wanted — to showcase a family in their own quiet, cozy, day to day, on their own property, with their pets, with the things that feel comforting to them — this is all, in its entirety — something I really want to do more of, photo wise. I'm so happy with these! And while this post was meant to be about showcasing these precious photos, I'm realizing now it's more so about a public declaration to the wonderfulness of these 3.5 people I genuinely love.
Here ya go, Internet - The B Family.