English Landing Park Engagement, Parkville | Britta + Patrick

They were Fort Hays University college kids, when a wrestling injury landed Patrick in athletic rehab....and a pretty little blonde nursing student named Britta caught his eye. 

Years later, it was Britta's graduation day, and after all the ceremonial parts of a graduation service had come to an end, Patrick really wanted to take some photos. His sister-in-law snapped away while he and Britta smiled for the camera. Finally he said "Let's take some silly ones!"....Britta cringed. Patrick enthusiastically continued with how fun it would be, and then suggested "Why don't we pretend like I'm proposing..." to which Britta scoffed and said "No, not unless you're doing it for real" - and that's when things got serious. 

Those silly pictures were just a gimmick of course, and in a matter of seconds, Patrick was on one knee, in all-serious mode, asking Britta to marry him. 

These two are saying I DO in May at The Legacy at Green Hills, and a lot more pictures are in their future...some serious, some silly, but most of all, some of them being completely and happily in love.