Monday Musings, edition three | TV shows, a wedding, + good times

Heyyyyyy guys. Another Monday is here! And if I'm being honest, this one kind of snuck up on me. The majority of last week was fairly uneventful and low-key, but the weekend felt like a whirlwind!? 

>> Last weeks Monday Musings post, I started off with the simple question of wanting to know where Fall is.. I'm happy to report as I type right this second, it's a crisp 54 degrees outside! ALL THE HEART EYES!!! 

>> Ooh......and for anyone curious about the lizard, also mentioned in last weeks post... He was caught. He gone. Praise.

>> Last Wednesday, the reality show hit SURVIVOR returned. Where my Survivor fans at!? Wes and I both have pretty much watched this show since it's inception. I've missed a few seasons here and there, but I honestly don't know if he has?? Who out there watches too and wants to talk about the first episode!? Hit me up in the comments!

>> On Friday evening, after my friend got off from work, we had a little friend date. Now let me explain something. She isn't my friend, she's my frand. We've called each other this for years. So, now that I've explained that, let me say this again - On Friday, after my frand got off work, we had a little frand date. There, that's better. 

Her and I usually have long frand dates, complete with endless shopping, food, dessert, etc. But with a Friday night, a wedding for me the next day, and the fact that she (and her fave guy) had literally signed docs for their first house one hour prior (WHAAAT!) we went for the basics. Chipotle, duh. Then Target, for one thing only - cookie dough. We totally brought spoons with us (not our first rodeo), and proceeded to sit in my car, and eat a little of it like the savages we are. 

>> Saturday morning rolled around, and it was wedding time yet again! Deer Creek Golf Club is easily one of my favorite venues, so I'm always thrilled when I get to document a wedding there! And whoohoo, Britney and James' day was there! Not only that, but I finally finally got to work with the DJ's I've been itching to work with!! Kelly and Susan Howe of Howe Weddings you guys.. Like, FAVORITE. I absolutely loveddddddd working with them!! They are on point when it comes to organization, execution, and making sure every single thing that happens is top shelf. Us together were referred to as "the dream team", and I couldn't agree more!! 

Here are a few sneak peeks! And as always, more can be found on Facebook!


That right there is a good-looking wedding party!!


Britney and James had so many unique touches to their day! Britney did a first look with her sweet Dad, which is something I adore! I can't wait to process their entire wedding and share more!

>> Sunday brought about the "wedding hangover" - it's real you guys. So real. I worked a little, and then Wes and I finally watched the brand new tv show premiere of "This is Us"... Anyone familiar? Wowzers. Talk about a cry fest. I feel like it's been a long time since a show came out that has this much heart. Definitely worth watching you guys!! 

I think that's all for now you guys! Until next time!