Union Station KC Engagement Photos // Amy + Jerod

Mere days after they both joined e-harmony, Amy was already rethinking it all and knowing she was going to end up deleting her account. Jerod, logged in to do just that... delete his.

But fate stepped in.

Jerod may have logged in to shut it all down, but instead... he saw Amy. Then he read her profile. Then, there was nothing else in this world he could do but message her. It didn't take them long to move to phone calls, then to a first date, and it all snowballed from there in the best possible way. Jerod says he loves that with Amy, he knows he can trust her with his heart completely and being with her, holding her... feels like home. Amy says she loves how with Jerod, she can be her true self, through and through, completely natural, with no worries about being judged... only loved, and loved so well.

Gosh the way these two feel about one another is enough to make even the roughest exterior human get some goosebumps!

- couplesElizabethComment