Fotostrap review | Tips for Photographers


There was a time when I said no more camera strap using for me, nope, none, I am done with that! The whole not using a camera strap situation didn't last too terribly long though....See my post on the whole stopped and starting using a camera strap - here! - to know why! 

So, when the time came that I knew I wanted to use one again, it couldn't just be the basic red and black one that comes with all Canon DSLR's. I wanted something more heavy duty, something that felt more durable, something more branded, and something that offered some comfort on the back of my neck because yikes guys - gear gets heavy! 

I researched a ton, read countless reviews, and finally landed on Fotostrap!!

These guys call themselves a "group of storytellers".....ask me just how much that alone resonated with me!! Storytelling is what I do! And the best part? They call themselves this for a very special reason! Fotostrap started "Fotolanthropy"...a nonprofit organization which documents stories of amazing people, everyday heroes, and those who have overcome something incredibly difficult! 

Read their story about Fotolanthropy here! 


Beyond the make-ya-feel-good-emotional-stuff, you need to also know the cold hard facts, especially if you too are a photographer. Fotostrap camera straps are so legit my friends, I'm not even kidding you right now!

I'm not big into leather products, but, I still wanted a camera strap that was tough, durable...yet flexible - as in - that thing has simply GOTTA move with me! Fotostrap meets all of those requirements. The shoulder pad offers so much support for your neck and shoulders - seriously - I could talk about this point for an hour. My neck used to suffer when I was using just the straight/standard mass produced Canon straps - I need support!! Fotostrap gives me that! My neck and shoulders rarely bother me now! And when they do, trust me, it's because I'm a slouching QUEEN. I can admit it.


Did I mention one magical little word yet....BRANDING. You can totally have a photo strap that is branded to YOUR brand! Not just in colors, but I mean straight up - you can have your logo engraved on it! While I for one didn't opt for engraving my logo (I knew I'd change my logo too soon and want/need an upgrade!) I did however, opt for a simple monogram of "ELP" on my shoulder pad, and I loveeee how simple and clean it looks! 

The strap itself on my camera strap is made from Fotostrap's canvas material, anddddd it's totally a beige/ivory color that is ALL my brand! 

Ultimately, I'm SUPER impressed with Fotostrap, both for their products and their services, but also their story - for finding a company who really puts value at the forefront and then ties it up in an awesome package of giving-back. You can't beat that stuff!! 

If you are looking for a fantastic camera strap, I hiiighly recommend Fotostrap! And no, those guys didn't ask me to say these things, this is just straight and honest I'm-so-pleased-so-I-must-tell-the-masses stuff!