Spring Blossoms and a Sweet Little Family at Loose Park, KC

I think by now it’s obvious that I typically only have time in my schedule for weddings and engagement shoots…. but that every once in a while, you’ll see a senior shoot, family, and/or maternity shoot pop up. And the truth is, anymore… I only do those for past clients, family, and personal friends. I’d do them more often if I just had the time…. or if I ever learn how to properly clone myself.

So who you’re about to see is a very, very dear friend of mine — and fellow photographer herself!! Miss Lauren! And it was TRULY an honor to document this super sweet space and time in her and her little family’s life!!

A few more facts about this awesome lady — as mentioned, she too is a photographer and she's a super talented one! She's also a super awesome friend! She hasn't been in Kansas City too long (but I'm so glad she's here). Her and I have bonded over the enneagram, books, photography, and our own personal traumas. She's an excellent second shooter! She has a loving hubby who is a great girl Dad! She's a wonderful mama to one of the cutest and sweetest little girls ever! Andddd she, in these photos, was well on her way to becoming a Mom of two beautiful little girls!! — Spoiler alert: Since these photos were taken, Baby Girl #2 has arrived!!