Snowy Engagement Session at St. Benedictine College Campus // Annie + John Kyle
They met in college theater when she was in need of someone to help read lines with her. It took basically no time at all for feelings to develop between these two though they both kept it under wraps for a while. Annie, having oh so recently gone through a bad breakup, when John finally admitted how he felt, he made sure to be clear that he didn’t want to push her into anything, he just wanted her to know how he felt.
Takings things slow is exactly what they did, even enduring a long distance relationship for a little while, all the things that make up the start of their story.
As things progressed, hints at getting married popped up here and there, and finally one day, John Kyle was ready to pop the question. In an all too perfectly fitting situation, he decided the location of their first kiss — that college theater stage — was the perfect spot to ask her to be his for always.
He took her back to that building, back to that dark space where as Annie walked in, she saw candles lit on stage. Suddenly their song began to play and the lights came up on a table for two. Shaky knees ensued as John led her up to the stage, got down on one knee and said "I don't have much. But everything I have is yours if you want it"
How could she possibly say no to the guy she had been crazy about all this time?
Absolutely LOVE these two so very much!! Their bond is something you just don’t find often, and I’m sooo happy for them!!

They are too cute for words!!

These two were prepared for the below freezing temps with thermoses of hot water and tea!! And bonus, it made for super cute photos!!

These next three black and white photos might just be some of my favorite shots E V E R

For the rest of my career, if a client ever voices a concern about “what if we’re awkward in front of the camera?” I’ll show them the next photo and explain that I’d rather you be completely yourself no matter if that’s awkward or not cause this photo here is 1000% one of my favorite shots EVER lol

I feel like all I’m saying are THESE ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITE SHOTS EVER………..but………..THEY ARE!! These two basically froze their hands off for these, but holy crap, so cute, so fun, so magical!!