An Early Fall Engagement Session by the Creek // Ashley + Bryan
It was the day before Halloween, and these two - fabulously dressed up as Ariel, The Little Mermaid, and Prince Eric. They had a fun day planned, involving a big Halloween-themed show at Sea Life Aquarium. This was the extent of Ariel...I mean, Ashley's knowledge. What she didn't know quite yet, was that her Prince Eric....aka Bryan, had something else planned.
There they were, enjoying the show, when in the middle of all that fun, a diver suddenly appeared with a sign that read, "Will You Marry Me?" and Ashley says that her first thought was oh what a lucky girl that someone is. She still had no idea that she was in fact, that very lucky girl. When Bryan suddenly went down to one knee - this was the very moment that Ashley figured it all out!
Some sweet words, promises, gigantic smiles, a very important question followed by a huge YES - and these two were officially engaged!