Engagement Photos at The Nelson Atkins, KC // Brynn + Jordan

When they first met several years ago, neither really wanted to settle down at that time, but the kicker was, they couldn't stop hanging out with one another either.

Their first official date came years after they first met, when Jordan asked Brynn to go ice skating at Crown Center in Kansas City. After that first date, Brynn knew things felt different, something was totally happening. Jordan had a feeling of knowing he didn't ever want to let her go. So a relationship began — her loving how hard he makes her laugh, him loving her dream chasing personality.

And then, back in December… Jordan took Brynn back to that first date spot, and there in front of the ice skating rink, he dropped to one knee - surprising her not only with a proposal, but with having her family (and his!) there to witness it all! These two have SO much fun together and you can't help but have fun with them - absolutely can't wait for their December 2021 wedding!