The story of "Everyday Business"
When I was a little girl, myself and childhood friend/neighbor, Crystal, ran a very serious business together. We'd play this "game" for hours on end. And in order to actually play this game, we needed some specific stuff. Who remembers old magazines and catalogs their parents would get and inside you'd find all these order forms for other magazines, forms to order fine china, little postage-paid postcards to fill out and send in to receive some hokey piece of home decor, etc etc etc. Remember those!?
When my parents were all done with their magazines, they'd pass them to me and I'd go through diligently tearing out those order forms and stock-piling those postcards. When Crystal would come over and we'd go to our little makeshift "office" - which was just a room in my grandpa's old house next door that we took over and created a fake but very legit "office" out of. Makeshift desks from old cabinets and boxes sat side by side and had pens and notepads, old phones our parents wanted to throw out, the whole nine yards.
We called it, Everyday Business. Our pretend customers could call in and order anything from a subscription to Country Living to a set of fine China - truly, we were in the business of everyday stuff.
The point of this story is because I look back on those days now, somewhat often honestly - how organized my little "desk" was, how seriously and professionally I answered the phone "Everyday Business, how can I help you?", how much my little heart was in the act of helping pretend people order their magazines and home decor pieces.
And what I'm realizing over and over, is at the core of it all, running a business was engrained in my soul from a very young age.
If you had told 9 year old me that one day I'd sit at a real desk I picked out for myself, in a home office that I designed to fit the heart behind the branding, and running a real business that I built and that I love...I doubt I would have believed you, but I do think little 9 year old me would have loved the idea.
I'm not sure the point of this blog post, I just wanted to share a personal story - I think it's important to do that and I think it's important to reflect back on all the steps that led us to where we are now in our lives!
If you yourself run a business these days, of any type, did you "run a business" as a kid? Or dream of doing so when you grew up?