The Nightingale, a review | book nook


There are some books I read, that, when I'm finished, my resounding opinion of them is "I can't talk about it" A Thousand Splendid Suns is one of those books, and now, The Nightingale is another.

I'll talk about it, just enough to say that it was incredible. Our history as a world, and our history in such things as World War 2, The Holocaust, Hitler's rein, etc etc etc....those are things that always interest me. They fascinate me, and they also completely shatter me. It's a part of our world's history that I'll never understand.

The Nightingale is essentially a story in that history, and while it is historical fiction, which is easily one of my most favorite genres, it is still, in my mind anyways, a real story. Who's to say there weren't 2 French sisters during World War 2 who both equally despised the war, but one decided the best thing to do was to just accept it, while the other decided it was best to do the exact opposite, and fight back. Who's say that the fighter of the two wasn't a part of a group of people who saved down airmen and helped sneak them across the Pyreenes Mountains and back to where they belonged - to fight the Nazi's more, and better. Who's to say that those two sisters didn't have lives and families and stories and secrets.

Who's to say the entire tale of Vienne and Isabelle Rossigonol didn't happen?

There's a line toward the very end of the book that reads "Men tell stories. Women get on with it. For us it was a shadow war. There were no parades for us when it was over, no medals or mentions in history books. We did what we had to during the war, and when it was over, we picked up the pieces and started our lives over..."

The feminist in me 100% believes that line. I'll never knock what men did during war times, ever, but without a shadow of doubt I believe there were women who did incredible, daring, dangerous things just to help, just to save lives, just to do their part - and those facts aren't mentioned nearly as widely as every move men made. So, with that sad, The Nightingale is a story that reminds you that human heart, resilence and durability exist - even in the most horrific times - for all humans.